Wish List

Another way you can help is by donating things from Humane Ohio’s wish list.

Please contact us if you can give. Thank you!

Items in red are the most needed...

Untitled design - 1
  • Cat food (wet/canned and dry)
  • Distilled water
  • Dog food (wet)
  • Dryer sheets
  • Gift cards (Office Max, Amazon, gas cards)
  • Index cards (3 1/2" x 5" unlined in white, yellow and blue)
  • Kitten food (wet/canned and dry) for our foster program
  • Lint rollers and “Ever Care” giant size refills
  • Litter (non-clumping) for our foster program

Help BUY items from our wish list!

You can visit our Amazon Wish List or Chewy Wish List, where you can purchase items and have them shipped directly to the clinic! Make sure to go through Amazon Smile and your donation will go even further!

Donated items help save money on supplies and allow us to put more money into helping animals. Thank you for any items you can donate!


We appreciate you thinking of us, but we cannot currently accept the following donations: used litter boxes, expired human medical supplies, prescription medications or human bandaging supplies

Humane Ohio